Wicca lessons of today

  • 24 december - Read! This is the best way to start learning

zondag 17 augustus 2008

Tarot Tears & Fears

I discovered somehting: I don't like doing Tarot for people who stand to close to me. I did a drawing for my boyfriend, to help him make up his mind. But during the drawing, that he did not ask for b.t.w., I discovered some disturbing things. He would have a painfull "goodbye"... I freaked out completely, thinking that he would leave me. Completely ridiculous off course.

So after one hour of hysterical cries, I decided that I will not do drawings for people standing to close to me. And I think that he is the only one standing to close :) Haha! Maybe it's best if next time he asks me to do one...

dinsdag 5 augustus 2008

Oh Mi Oh My!

Oh my! My Tarot is doing very well, i've could have been rich if I charged money for all my drawings! No, that's a joke. But I have done 3 drawings now, one for my collegue (see below), one for my sister and one for my best friend. That last one was face-2-face and that's really hard because you have to interpret the cards immediatly. Normally I write everything down first and then interpret them (and them put it on mail)... I'm a busy bee, another friend of mine asked me to do her cards and now my boyfriend seems to be very interested to suddenly. Haha!

Futheron I met someone who is a witch, she really wants to help me on my way. Remember what I said? Someone will be my helper soon, and I found her. Well let's hope so...