Wicca lessons of today

  • 24 december - Read! This is the best way to start learning

maandag 21 juli 2008

Let the Tarot Speak

I just did my first real Tarot drawing! I used a Celtic Cross to know a bit more about my near future. Althougt it was difficult to interprete them I succeeded to unlock a litle bit of their secrets and I am astoned! Almost everything was either true or very recognizable! Incredible, I can't wait untill I understand the cards completely and do a real drawing for someone!

What else in becoming a witch? Mmm my intuition is still very strong, but I'm not succeeding at trusting it yet. Sometimes I have these ideas that cross my mind, but its almost as if they arent mine. And always these ideas come true or happen... But I don't recogniz them yet. That's hard!

And I have been wanting to tell you something but I know that if I write this down I wont believe it myself. But...(please dont laugh) I think a saw a ghost. Or shall I say spirit. It happened one week ago, I was at the house of my boyfriends aunt. The setting was like some bad horror movie: the rain was pouring and there was thunder. We were sitting in the garden under a little roof, from there I could see into the empty dark house. Then suddenly I saw a man moving through the house, quite quick. I thaught I imagined it so I put my cup of tea to my lips to take a sip and almost immediatly lowered it, I was astonished. There a saw that man moving again. He looked like a cartoon puppet, I could not see a face but his body was as if he was drawn with white lines. But just his surroundings... Very strange, I wasn´t scared when I saw him, just shocked. But I must say, I wasn´t brave when I had to go to the bathroom later that night! I didn´t see him anymore and I haven´t seen anything like this again...