Wicca lessons of today

  • 24 december - Read! This is the best way to start learning

maandag 16 juni 2008

My Story So Far...

When I was 17 years old, I had my first encounter with wicca, or white magic. My best friend was practising telekinesis. This triggerd my interest and soon she told me she was also interested in wicca. She lent me a book about wicca. This book described some rituals to attract whatever you want. I chose to try to attract love, this was before I went on a holiday. I wished for love and suddenly a grasshopper came into my house. You can think that this isn't special but if I tell you that I live in the middle of Amsterdam then you have to agree with me that a grasshopper is rare in a city like Amsterdam.
You may think that I'm crazy but I knew that this grasshopper was a sign.
That holiday I met my first love.

But soon wicca disappeared from my life. My boyfriend was a very religious man and till the end of our relationship there was no place for wicca in my life. Then I "met" Harry Potter. Stop laughing! He awoke the witch in me again.

A few months later I met the love of my life. Who, when he heard about my interest in wicca, took me to a bookstore and bought me 2 wicca-books for my birthday. I read them and started to do a little wicca again (drawing magic squares everywhere haha). But due to a busy life it faded away again...I forgot about wicca.

Until now. Last year I bought the book "heks" by Susan Smit. It was catching dust on my bookshelf. So past holiday, I decided to take it along and read it.
It really was an eyeopenener. I see now that I should walk, or at least try to walk, the path of the witch. Apparently other people feel that I should do it to. Why else is everybody giving me withes as a gift? My mother, my sister and even my grandfather have all given me a witch one day.

Yes, and this sounds very heavy and serious, and maybe I will even forget it again. But in wicca they believe that if you are meant to be a witch, sooner or later you will walk the path and you will meet the right people to help you. I think I have met my first helper: Susan Smit. On her website she reaches out to help other witches, I'm sure that if I dare to take the first step, others will be there to help me.