Wicca lessons of today

  • 24 december - Read! This is the best way to start learning

zondag 29 juni 2008

Green Sunday?

Yesterday I had a feeling that my private dancing lesson would be cancelled. And off course this morning the phone rang, way to early may I say! 10 o'clock on a Sunday morning is not a normal time to call someone! But my point is, my lesson was cancelled... So I went to the gym to practise some pole-dancing on my own, a quick calculation made me wear green (stands for: love, healing, nature and money attracting rituals). To bad that dancing isn't a ritual, I would be rich by now!

I think that I should read some book about colour-magic, because I'm quite bad at it.
But, I'm not bad at everything! I think that I have had enough prove in the last few days, to trust my "gut" feelings a bit more. Because very often I am right.

I hope that in the next few days I will find the time to write because I won't be at home. So if you don't hear from me, don't panic, I didn't get lost in Magic...

P.s. I'm going to have Tarot lessons! But I need a deck, so I'm going to buy a Rider Waite Deck on Tuesday! Hurray!