Wicca lessons of today

  • 24 december - Read! This is the best way to start learning

donderdag 19 juni 2008

The Magic Enters...

I am puzzled. While exploring the different kinds of magic, today I focussed on Numeroloy.
I was quite sceptic about it, but there is something I can't explain.
I visited a website that gave me my "numerology tip of the day". I discovered that my birth number is 8 and my name number is also 8. So there is something about 8. And today it's 19-06-2008, so 1+9+0+6+2+0+0+8=26 and 2+6=8!
That is spooky! The day I discover numerology is the same as my birth- and name number?

And my tip of the day was the following:
Today you look at your best. Go outside and seek new things. There is a positive change in the air. Today you are free. Expect a pleasant surprise. Do something different. Be flexible and change your routines. Promote or advertise yourself or your products. Look at the world with other eyes. Give something away. Sell something. This is the best day for a haircut or a chirurgical appointment. Today you feel free.

Well no pleasant surprises so far (or does a goatcheese-honey tosti count?). But today I did feel better than the last few days, and I have a day off! I do look at the world differently (not dramatically but a bit), I almost built a web shop today, I am going to give some things away tonight and my dentist was very happy to see me.
Alas, I don't look at my best today and going outside to seek new things doesn't appeal to me, it's raining cats and dogs.
But isn't this strange? But if 8 is such an important number, does that mean that 2008 is "my" year? Is 8 my lucky number? Is 8-8-2008 an important date for me?

If any pleasant surprises of new things come on my way today I will let you know!