Wicca lessons of today

  • 24 december - Read! This is the best way to start learning

vrijdag 27 juni 2008

Violet Vriday :)

Well I wouldn't really want to call this Violet Friday...*Dharma takes a quick look at her outfit and stares at her violet socks*...
So did anything magical happen? No, I wasn't harmonious or spiritual at all! I was com-ple-te-ly stressed out! Stop nodding your head, I will buy something violet tomorrow!
Today I had a lot of work and also had to run to the hospital...

But let's not let us hang our heads down immediately! Maybe some spirituals things did happen!
1) yesterday I was thinking about some magazine that my grandmother used to read, it's called "Kampioen". She used to give them to me to read. And what was in the mailbox this evening? A Kampioen. Apparently my father in law has a subscription since a short while...
2) We were going to eat at a Greek restaurant tonight, but I had a feeling that my boyfriend (who was late) went to the grocery store to buy a meal for tonight because I had the feeling that he didn't want to go out. And I was right...He was there, buying ingredients...

Tomorrow it's silver day! Let's give it another try!